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About the artist

Pierson Booth


Pierson Booth is a music producer and multi-instrumentalist from Australia. His talent has brought him recognition not only in Australia but also in the global music scene. His music has captured the attention of numerous individuals, even receiving a co-sign from Grammy award-winning artist T-Pain. Pierson’s innovative approach to lofi hip-hop beats has gained him millions of streams worldwide. Using his instrumentation skills, he creates tracks that evoke newfound emotions in his listeners, resulting in his music being featured in numerous editorial playlists. As he continues to explore new creative avenues, Pierson is ready to make an even greater impact on the music industry in the years to come.

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How to credit properly


1) Add the following to your description
(via text or banner)
– Music provided by Lofi Girl
– Listen:

2) Not an obligation but much appreciated :)
– Nowplaying with the music title on your screen
– Bot sending the current music title/link to the playlist in the chat
– Host the Lofi Girl Twitch page at the end of your livestream



Add the following to your description
– Artist(s) name – Track title
– Provided by Lofi Girl
– Watch: YouTube link to the music concerned
– Listen: Spotify link to the music concerned

Instagram / Tiktok

Add the following to your description
– Artist(s) name – Track title
– Provided by Lofi Girl