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Between Worlds

About the album

Between Worlds

No spirit
No Spirit is standing on the edge of the universe, contemplating, in his new album “Between Worlds”. The music opens up a gateway to outer space: classical pianos, guitars and synths orbit one another gracefully like planets in a solar system, while mellow drums echo the rhythm of the universe. The shimmering orbs amid the nebulas look so far away, yet all are within your reach – what do you think is on the other side? 🌌
In The Zone
Planet 9
Smoke Rings
Winds On Mars
A While Ago
7 Suns
As Above So Below
Frozen In Time

Videos of the release

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Check out the vinyl
Between Worlds
No Spirit is standing on the edge of the universe, contemplating, in his new album “Between Worlds”. The music opens up a gateway to outer space: classical pianos, guitars and synths orbit one another gracefully like planets in a solar system, while mellow drums echo the rhythm of the universe. The shimmering orbs amid the nebulas look so far away, yet all are within your reach - what do you think is on the other side? 🌌

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1) Add the following to your description
(via text or banner)
– Music provided by Lofi Girl
– Listen:

2) Not an obligation but much appreciated :)
– Nowplaying with the music title on your screen
– Bot sending the current music title/link to the playlist in the chat
– Host the Lofi Girl Twitch page at the end of your livestream



Add the following to your description
– Artist(s) name – Track title
– Provided by Lofi Girl
– Watch: YouTube link to the music concerned
– Listen: Spotify link to the music concerned

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Add the following to your description
– Artist(s) name – Track title
– Provided by Lofi Girl