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In Harmony With Nature

About the album

In Harmony With Nature

Yasumu/Plant Guy
Plant Guy has been hiding in the backwoods and has now brought you his latest EP “In Harmony With Nature”. Soft piano melodies are glued together with relaxing drum beats and field recordings. Take a moment and sit down on the bridge above the forest stream – and ponder all the possibilities in complete silence.
Over The Bridge
Beyond Imagination
In The Fields
Towards The Mountains
Cozy Home

Videos of the release

Where you want to watch it ?

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How to credit properly


1) Add the following to your description
(via text or banner)
– Music provided by Lofi Girl
– Listen:

2) Not an obligation but much appreciated :)
– Nowplaying with the music title on your screen
– Bot sending the current music title/link to the playlist in the chat
– Host the Lofi Girl Twitch page at the end of your livestream



Add the following to your description
– Artist(s) name – Track title
– Provided by Lofi Girl
– Watch: YouTube link to the music concerned
– Listen: Spotify link to the music concerned

Instagram / Tiktok

Add the following to your description
– Artist(s) name – Track title
– Provided by Lofi Girl